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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Furry Stique RPG

Furry Stique RPG

Rated G
Posted on 11/19/2008 09:29PM (PST) by wooskadoo
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Videos viewed 6072 times
2 comments received
2 ratings received
Videos rated 6.50/10.00 on average
Member since: 11/19/2008
File Size: 139.13KB
Dimensions: 550x400
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
6.50 out of 10.00 (2 votes)
# of Comments: 2
# of Views: 6073
# of Favorites: 0
Comments on this Video
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41 comments posted
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Member since: 5/28/2009
4 out of 10
Needs More Content.
There's nothing to do once you've bought the alarm clock, bonus stamina, and yiff art. Heck, there's only one kind of yiff art, one job, and no stats to build.

If you someday decide to expand this, I'd advise adding some NPCs to the town, at least one new kind of job(a better paying one that has prerequisites of some sort) and, most importantly, different kinds of furry stick art to look at (and I DO mean actually "look at" instead of simply being told I looked at it).
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25 comments posted
3 videos online
Member since: 9/23/2007
9 out of 10
Day 8 is creepy
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