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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Portia Does Pushups

Portia Does Pushups

Rated PG-14
Posted on 12/14/2007 02:48PM (PST) by Portia
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3 videos online
Videos viewed 35723 times
Videos favorited 61 times
40 comments received
36 ratings received
Videos rated 7.97/10.00 on average
Member since: 12/14/2007
File Size: 2.29MB
Dimensions: 320x240
File Type: Audio-Video Interleave (AVI)
Average Score:
10.00 out of 10.00 (2 votes)
# of Comments: 6
# of Views: 17750
# of Favorites: 7
Comments on this Video
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7 comments posted
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Member since: 2/9/2011
10 out of 10
LOLZ!!! her boobs r too big!! hahahahhaha!! Loved it!!! 10/10
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Member since: 4/21/2010
10 out of 10
why the hell can she only do 7 pushups without felling like passing out, she even has her boobs as support?
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Member since: 9/19/2009
it was funny to carry all that weight around lol
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Member since: 3/16/2009
THough I was able to watch the other one...
this one just wouldn't play.
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Member since: 6/24/2009
Problem with video
Lith The Dragon is right... Can't watch your videos :/... Try converting them into WMA format:)

You can use "" to do the job :) ... Good Luck :) ...
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Member since: 2/26/2009
No rate
I can never watch your videos I am thinking it is because your uploading a DivX format video. If you can possibly do Could you convert format to WMP format? I would forever be indebted to you for it. And I was also with your permission, distribute the video on some sites I know. Or I can tell you the site. But if you have the time Please PM me on the forums section.
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