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You Are Here: Home > Videos > sonic nazo unleashed let's dance

sonic nazo unleashed let's dance

Rated G
Posted on 2/22/2008 02:32AM (PST) by Roku170
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2 videos online
Videos viewed 10861 times
Videos favorited 1 time
10 comments received
10 ratings received
Videos rated 4.30/10.00 on average
Member since: 2/21/2008
File Size: 37.12MB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Windows Media Video (WMV)
Average Score:
7.67 out of 10.00 (3 votes)
# of Comments: 4
# of Views: 4645
# of Favorites: 0
Comments on this Video
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27 comments posted
0 videos online
Member since: 8/17/2009
7 out of 10
although the mouths on the characters were off the song was good, but some of the movie was from the show and some of it looked self-animated though all-in-all it was good
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12 comments posted
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Member since: 4/12/2009
8 out of 10
I'd never head that song before now!
The timing on the mouths could have been better, but the rest was great!
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25 comments posted
3 videos online
Member since: 9/23/2007
8 out of 10
The size of the video, and the video's type, make it hard for the browser to play in window.
It might be best to use the download link below the vid.
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19 comments posted
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Member since: 2/29/2008
video size
video needs to be bigger and i cant figure out how to make it play in a seperate window
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