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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Misi's Mom

Misi's Mom

Rated PG-14
Posted on 1/19/2009 06:02PM (PST) by McGee
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Videos viewed 46500 times
Videos favorited 103 times
66 comments received
66 ratings received
Videos rated 7.73/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/11/2009
File Size: 3.24MB
Dimensions: 512x340
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
8.07 out of 10.00 (14 votes)
# of Comments: 18
# of Views: 16070
# of Favorites: 19
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 11/20/2010
9 out of 10
you should make an X-rated version
the chicks are hot, lol great artist
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Member since: 10/8/2010
7 out of 10
Ok vid
add color and more of vid and song for 10/10
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Member since: 1/7/2010
10 out of 10
Hilarious, color could improve it but really, it's perfect the way it is. Very well done ^.^ everyone trashing is jealous of your drawing skill.
I love how right before Misi pulls out the bathing suit, there's a box that says "Ammo"
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Member since: 12/8/2009
She's Packing Heat!! O.O
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Member since: 5/14/2010
8 out of 10
quite funny
however only one question, where does she pull the gun from 0-0
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Member since: 3/28/2010
wow yer better than me at animatiing by a long shot!
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Member since: 8/17/2009
9 out of 10
funny and awesome
I like this a lot, but the only reason this didnt get a ten from me is because it didnt show the whole video, just most of it....still, 9/10 for a great job
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Member since: 11/6/2009
best video i have seen yet on this site!!!!

its funny when she gets pissed when the mom goes "you missed a spot over therreXD"
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Member since: 5/30/2009
really cool video!
I just realized the characters are from FFXI,im pretty sure.A Tarutaru ,Elvaan ,and Hume guys and Mithra females.I think it came out great! Keep up the good work.
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Member since: 8/26/2009
10 out of 10
oooh...... *_*
i'd take the daughter, more of her for ME. :P
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Member since: 6/24/2009
8 out of 10
Pretty good, though this isn't the whole video. ._.
Meh, it's alright I guess.
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Member since: 6/24/2009
5 out of 10
Like the song :P ... The video is not bad but could be better :)... 5 stars :) ...
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Member since: 5/28/2009
3 out of 10
What the heck is going on? Besides a few smoothly animated anime-wannabe drawings this doesn't have much going on.
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Member since: 4/29/2009
10 out of 10
nice job!!!
that i srealy good hand drawing dude!!!
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Member since: 4/15/2009
9 out of 10
She sure does!
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Member since: 1/19/2008
you should do more, I can suggest a few >..>
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Member since: 3/12/2009
9 out of 10
just need color
Other than that i love it... hilarious
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Member since: 12/10/2007
8 out of 10
hot, but it's funny too, poor daughter x3
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