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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Draw With me

Draw With me

Rated PG
Posted on 4/6/2009 07:38PM (PST) by Havik65
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Videos viewed 9690 times
Videos favorited 23 times
25 comments received
28 ratings received
Videos rated 9.64/10.00 on average
Member since: 2/24/2009
File Size: 24.19MB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Windows Media Video (WMV)
Average Score:
9.64 out of 10.00 (28 votes)
# of Comments: 25
# of Views: 9691
# of Favorites: 23
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 11/4/2012
10 out of 10
Luv goes on forever and allways
My mate and I just finished watching this flash we laghed , cried and snuggled and told each other we would do any thing for each other to keep our luv going forever and always. Thank for the short film .
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Member since: 2/29/2012
10 out of 10
it was very nice the emotion it displayed
was amazing
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Member since: 2/2/2010
10 out of 10
very nice!! how he gave his hand to try to be with her is one of the best parts! i loved how when he gave up cuz he "couldn't draw" she gave her hand for him! i cant think of anything else to say...
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Member since: 9/6/2010
1 out of 10
I think we have a thief here. . .
Unless you happen to be Mikeinel from deviantART I'm going to assume that this is stolen - and suggest that you take it down ASAP, seeing as how it is not yours. . .

I went ahead and sent the original creator this link so they can handle it, if it is indeed an art theft case. . .

Original - for those who don't know: with me#/d25ct6y

Administrative reply:
Actually, I personally asked this video to be uploaded by the author. To which they were kind enough to upload for us. Please don't cry wolf. It isn't nice. -Eli
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Member since: 12/22/2009
10 out of 10
Absolutely Amazing. The best movie I've seen on here.
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Member since: 4/7/2010
10 out of 10
it almost made me cry beautifully done i want to learn how to do this
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Member since: 3/22/2010
10 out of 10
This was very sad....very touching. no words were needed, more than what we could read. the message was beautiful. Please do this kind of work more often.
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Member since: 3/11/2010
10 out of 10
Exelent movie. but just a bit "happy sad."
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Member since: 1/19/2010
10 out of 10
best one i have seen on the site
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Member since: 8/17/2009
10 out of 10
above and beyond
this movie was just too awesome for words, i ca'nt believe what happened at the end.....she cut off her own arm so she could draw with him and communicate..... this stuff always makes me sad, but it's a great piece of work if i could give it higher than a 10, i would.......maybe an (X) [i tried to make the infinity symbol] if you look close, you can understand what they are saying, even though you can't hear them.

it's just so melancholy at the end, happy,and sad at the same time, so much emotion was put into this. i just can't get over it, definite favorite
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Member since: 11/18/2009
10 out of 10
... wow very nice
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Member since: 11/5/2009
10 out of 10
WOW im impresed
Very, VERY few things have ever touched me this much.

Best animation i have ever seen thus far on this site or any other.
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Member since: 8/4/2009
This video was awesome.
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Member since: 6/24/2009
10 out of 10
I saw this on Youtube before here but still, very good.
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Member since: 6/24/2009
10 out of 10
Amazing o.O
I just had to sign up to rate this video! ... It so so beautyful!... Best 2 minutes and 55 secounds i've had in ages o.O! Please make more of those! ... Then you're the best! 10 stars! no doubt! (sorry if anything is spelled wrong ... bad english :) ...)
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Member since: 3/27/2009
10 out of 10
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Member since: 6/21/2009
10 out of 10
I love it OMG!
I'm like the one with the hurt arm, I'd do anything just to feel loved by someone. That's saying alot coming from someone who is to shy to even say hi to somebody face-to-face. I can relate so much ^^.
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Member since: 3/29/2009
10 out of 10
i absolutely love it
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Member since: 6/12/2009
10 out of 10
...thats deep and well done
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Member since: 5/27/2009
10 out of 10
Great job
Pure awsome great job on this work!
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Member since: 4/21/2009
9 out of 10
Excellently done
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Member since: 8/10/2008
10 out of 10
Professional animations which great music
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Member since: 7/13/2008
10 out of 10
-This- is art.
It's not specifically Furry imo,
more like anime themed, with cat/dog ears and tails,
but the style of the art, together with the music, is just amazing.

I can really feel with those two.
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Member since: 8/16/2008
10 out of 10
I really love this vid, thanks for sharing it!
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Member since: 9/23/2007
10 out of 10
Greatest movie Yet. EVER.
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