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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Fredryk Phox - Drug War Leak

Fredryk Phox - Drug War Leak

Rated PG-14
Posted on 8/18/2009 01:55PM (PST) by Aurali
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Videos rated 5.14/10.00 on average
Member since: 9/23/2007
Asked to post this by Fredryk Phox
a lot of clips to this were lost, so this is the remnance of the video itself.

He has a new video in the works here
the voice for Cyrus credited to "Ryan Bertoli
the voices for Fredryk PHox and Jason Heckal to "Matthew Gafford"
all the writing directing and music and all that to "Fredryk Phox"
File Size: 52.18MB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Windows Media Video (WMV)
Average Score:
1.00 out of 10.00 (1 vote)
# of Comments: 1
# of Views: 5834
# of Favorites: 2
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12 comments posted
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Member since: 8/15/2011
1 out of 10
........... i know you're tryna be cool and all but sometimes, it's not necessary
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