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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Dragon Vore

Dragon Vore

Rated PG-14
Posted on 9/24/2009 06:42PM (PST) by Slate
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Videos viewed 42714 times
Videos favorited 50 times
43 comments received
40 ratings received
Videos rated 8.60/10.00 on average
Member since: 9/24/2009
One of my earliest animations, years old by now. Putting it on here for the sake of posterity before I upload the more recent stuff.
File Size: 687.83KB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
7.20 out of 10.00 (5 votes)
# of Comments: 7
# of Views: 27835
# of Favorites: 4
Comments on this Video
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5 comments posted
2 videos online
Member since: 3/28/2010
9 out of 10
kewl. i wonder what it would look like all colored in!
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Member since: 11/30/2009
I must be removed!
Comment Removed -Aurali
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Member since: 2/26/2009
I like the hot commodity video you did slate, All your things are very nice, and your dragons have such naughty grins.

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Member since: 6/4/2009
Comment Removed -Aurali
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Member since: 9/23/2007
10 out of 10
Obligatory 10/10
From the voreaphile site owner XD
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Member since: 8/17/2009
3 out of 10
I thought I remember seeing this a long time ago, except didnt the wolf/fox whatever it is. give the dragon oral. then the dragon ate him?

As for it, just not enough to it. I know it is not so simple to make somethings. But no color. pretty quick. well if this is the sameone. Still don't like it
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Member since: 9/10/2009
Nice...nuff said.
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