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You Are Here: Home > Videos > The Food Cycle

The Food Cycle

Rated PG-14
Posted on 10/7/2009 06:22PM (PST) by Slate
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Videos viewed 42713 times
Videos favorited 50 times
43 comments received
40 ratings received
Videos rated 8.60/10.00 on average
Member since: 9/24/2009
A perennial favourite, though it's also a couple years old. Remember, kiddies, there's always a bigger fish!
File Size: 1.30MB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
9.00 out of 10.00 (8 votes)
# of Comments: 11
# of Views: 10548
# of Favorites: 10
Comments on this Video
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5 comments posted
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Member since: 3/28/2010
5 out of 10
where's the sound/ no offense.
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Member since: 12/4/2009
9 out of 10
The dragon
The dragon who ate the wolf Or i couldnt tell what furry it was) the look on his face when hes getting pulled...made me die laughing
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Member since: 11/30/2009
I must be removed!
Comment Removed -Aurali
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Member since: 6/10/2009
10 out of 10
Its a continueous loop but the way it works is amazing good one.
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Member since: 6/4/2009
Comment Removed -Aurali
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Member since: 8/28/2009
i love loops, bravo
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Member since: 7/8/2009
8 out of 10
love it
would love to a colored final version of this
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Member since: 2/28/2009
10 out of 10
loved the way it ends up (or continous on lol)
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Member since: 9/23/2007
10 out of 10
So cute.
Always loved these things
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Member since: 4/21/2009
10 out of 10
Yeps always liked that one
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Member since: 10/1/2009
10 out of 10
lol verry cute
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