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Videos rated 7.60/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/23/2010
****Warning, there is sound! Turn down your speakers! Also give it a moment to load before hitting "Start"***
Professionally speaking, the opening of a cartoon or show should be the LAST thing you're supposed to make, but I say screw the rules!...
Anyway, "Lv. Up!" is a series one of my friends and I were working on about 2 years back. In a nutshell, its a series with an original storyline while throwing in a several video game references (without calling out any official names). I agreed to make an animated version and he agreed to make a comic version. Over those 2+ years, we've got next to nowhere...
A good amount of people have lent their voices for the first episode, including Malamite Ltd., Kirbtaro05, and NS-Games (all of them are on DA). I feel really bad making them wait so long to see their voices put to work.
My current goal to completing the animation for the first episode is by the first day of spring. I hope I can make it.
I do plan to make closing sequences for the series too. If you're curious what kind of songs I'm going to use look up "Mihimaru GT". :D
Oh, and the song for this animation is a japanese song called "Climax Jump" by AAA. The song was originally used for a Power Ranges type show called "Kamen Rider"
Lv. Up! (characters, animation) (c) DT-Fox, CJ-Fox
Climax Jump - AAA (c) *Their respected music company*
File Size:
211.46KB |
700x400 |
File Type:
Shockwave Flash (SWF) |
Average Score:
7.60 out of 10.00 (5 votes)
# of Comments:
5 |
# of Views:
5240 |
# of Favorites:
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