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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Ani-ma-fa-cation (Test Animation)

Ani-ma-fa-cation (Test Animation)

Rated G
Posted on 2/24/2010 12:09PM (PST) by Ni2
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1 video online
Videos viewed 5468 times
3 comments received
3 ratings received
Videos rated 4.33/10.00 on average
Member since: 2/24/2010
Test Animation that turned out really nice.
Animation & Art by ME!
Music by David Newton

My FA:
David Newton's FA:
David Newton for his Music
File Size: 600.60KB
Dimensions: 856x480
File Type: Windows Media Video (WMV)
Average Score:
4.33 out of 10.00 (3 votes)
# of Comments: 3
# of Views: 5469
# of Favorites: 0
Comments on this Video
Posted by:
2 comments posted
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Member since: 1/19/2010
4 out of 10
Good try. Needs Improvement Though.
Def room for improvement but good try. I give it a 4.
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25 comments posted
3 videos online
Member since: 9/23/2007
3 out of 10
three for the music.

The animations were very static, lax.

remember. everything has a flow to it.^.^
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Member since: 12/10/2007
6 out of 10
yeah but
I gotta admit, while it's not bad, the first scene with the blinking eyes seems to take up most of the time. However, looking at this i cans ee it growing a lot better
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