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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Llama Drummer WIP

Llama Drummer WIP

Rated G
Posted on 8/3/2010 02:05PM (PST) by Derricklesters2009
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Member since: 8/3/2010
I am not done with this. It will be totally awesome when it's done but for now it's like ten seconds long and boring.

This was a test animation to test my animator's sound syncronization. Just as I thought, it sucks. This is BEFORE the syncro, and I think it looks better.

I plan on finishing this. I will add other furry musicians for guitar, bass, and so on and so forth but this video will remain in black and white and remain pretty much boring furries playing along to this song.
Song: Nickelback - Side of a Bullet

Animation - Myself, featuring myself.
File Size: 2.79MB
Dimensions: 800x600
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
6.00 out of 10.00 (4 votes)
# of Comments: 3
# of Views: 4474
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Member since: 10/5/2008
1 out of 10
Three years later and still unfinished.
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Member since: 12/9/2010
5 out of 10
Hmm, ok...
It's not good, but it's not bad either.
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Member since: 7/6/2009
9 out of 10
Gotta say I'm impressed. But I do have a question. Are you gonna have the bass drum "bounce" at the appropriate time? If you get what I'm trying to say, I couldn't think of the right word at the time.

Keep it up, looking forward to the finished product!
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