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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Eevee - Let's Dance by 5ive

Eevee - Let's Dance by 5ive

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Posted on 1/20/2008 08:55PM (PST) by SashaWS
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Videos viewed 12043 times
Videos favorited 14 times
26 comments received
25 ratings received
Videos rated 8.32/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/20/2008
File Size: 3.01MB
Dimensions: 512x384
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
9.40 out of 10.00 (15 votes)
# of Comments: 18
# of Views: 7085
# of Favorites: 6
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 3/20/2015
That's one funky Eevee. Cool.
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Member since: 8/27/2011
10 out of 10
I use this one as ringtone!
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Member since: 12/9/2010
10 out of 10
I'm still impressed
I watched this before and I liked it.
I watched this a few minuits ago and I still liked it.

And blimy strafe! This is the first time I've read you say something positive. XD
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Member since: 8/20/2011
10 out of 10
...Title = Random.
Like the video.
Love it!
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Member since: 2/9/2011
10 out of 10
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Member since: 4/21/2010
so random............... i like it
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Member since: 1/7/2010
10 out of 10
I remember this...^.^
I think this is the video that actually brought me into the fandom. I used to be obsessed with it, I'd watch it over and over. Thanks for the memories!!
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Member since: 7/29/2009
10 out of 10
Absolutely one of the best videos on this site.
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Member since: 12/3/2009
10 out of 10
Siezure time!
I feel sorry for anyone who watches this with epilepsy, but this is amazing! I liked the giant glomp in the middle. XD
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Member since: 8/26/2009
dude, that just turned my brains to s***...... x_x
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Member since: 8/17/2009
10 out of 10
great job with the animations
hardly any jumpy spots with lots of transitionings. i agree the flashy lights were a little distracting, but it's basically a rave so it's justified. great work incorporating multiple main and sub-characters into it though high marks for a job well done
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Member since: 6/10/2009
10 out of 10
Ib havon en ceser
Lol nice vid, but damn I havent had seizures in years, but damn I swear I felt one comming on :P
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Member since: 3/16/2009
7 out of 10
I have a sudden urge to shout 'W00T!'
Not the best animation in terms of c=smooth character design, but very few animators seem to be able to do both good animation AND character designing, and still pick a goo dsong to follow as well.

you did very well with all three, however. With the exception of the opening, which hurt my eyes and gave me a weird tingly feeling for a few seconds.
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Member since: 6/24/2009
9 out of 10
Meh, woot!
It's not like you're a master video maker, it's good for a normal person.
Your pictures were kind of rushed but I won't take any points away for that, really, it's good.
Haha, the DDR part. :3

Keep it up!
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Member since: 5/28/2009
9 out of 10
Say YES to Eevee
Also to seisures. Who needs epileptics anyway?
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Member since: 6/12/2009
9 out of 10
wow i realy like this video iv wached it every day for about 3 or 4 days O.o creapy huu
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Member since: 2/21/2008
10 out of 10
holy shit dude nice music video i cant stop watching it heck i didnt even know bout this tell today keep up the good work and shadow is my fav eevee ^^
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Member since: 9/23/2007
7 out of 10
Goood movie
full of bright destracting colors, but it's a good movie all together^^
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