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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Furry foxes dance Video - George Michael Jesus to a child

Furry foxes dance Video - George Michael Jesus to a child

Rated PG
Posted on 1/25/2011 06:54AM (PST) by watheanum
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Videos rated 7.07/10.00 on average
Member since: 7/29/2009
I was in a lil funny dance club and wished me something where i can dance to amd what is really romantic. so i wished me George Michael with Jesus to a child. here my dance video with my sweety ^^

enjoy ^^
George Michael - Jesus to a child

Walter Fanwood
Faly Breen
File Size: 27.87MB
Dimensions: 640x480
File Type: Audio-Video Interleave (AVI)
Average Score:
10.00 out of 10.00 (1 vote)
# of Comments: 2
# of Views: 29426
# of Favorites: 1
Comments on this Video
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38 comments posted
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Member since: 12/9/2010
10 out of 10
What is this???
Is this a game of some description?
I'm guessing its a online multiplayer game, yes?
If so, can you tell me the name of it or send me the link plz? thx.
(onto the vid now)
Yes, as the person above me said, very romantic dancing there. very nice.
And the music was absolutly beautiful, ahh.....
hmm, 9/10 I think. Nothing bad of course...
Oh hell, i'll give you 10/10 for the sake of it, here.
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3 comments posted
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Member since: 8/4/2010
Very romantic
How come my second life aint like urs? urs is different in ways of ur hud
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