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You Are Here: Home > Videos > vanni dragon und legola

vanni dragon und legola

Rated PG
Posted on 11/20/2011 12:07PM (PST) by legola loon
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Videos viewed 45002 times
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Videos rated 9.00/10.00 on average
Member since: 11/14/2011
dancing with my friends vanni and Dragon :-) have fun
second live wiht fraps .
Song: Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
File Size: 33.48MB
Dimensions: 720x576
File Type: Windows Media Video (WMV)
Average Score:
9.33 out of 10.00 (3 votes)
# of Comments: 1
# of Views: 21978
# of Favorites: 9
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Member since: 6/1/2013
10 out of 10
Never Seen Furry Animations Like It
I really hope that furry animations go in the direction this video went in. The animations were very well done and the furry females looked amazing! There bodies were almost perfect. Their faces looked cute, not too animal-like and not too humanoid. Keep it up and continue adding videos like this in the future. I hope all humanoid furry girls look exactly like these girls do from now on.
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