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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Project Stormbringer scene 2 wip

Project Stormbringer scene 2 wip

Rated G
Posted on 4/23/2008 05:25PM (PST) by patchesfox
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Videos viewed 14476 times
Videos favorited 1 time
5 comments received
5 ratings received
Videos rated 5.20/10.00 on average
Member since: 4/23/2008
File Size: 294.96KB
Dimensions: 800x600
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
7.50 out of 10.00 (2 votes)
# of Comments: 2
# of Views: 3935
# of Favorites: 0
Comments on this Video
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27 comments posted
0 videos online
Member since: 8/17/2009
8 out of 10
good progress so far
i agree with fox, i also see a lot that could be done in here, just make sure not to forget about it and post the full version when it's done
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12 comments posted
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Member since: 4/12/2009
7 out of 10
Definately on the way!
I see lot's of potential in this, I would love to see a full version! =)
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