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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Pirate Ship WIP 1

Pirate Ship WIP 1

Rated PG-14
Posted on 4/29/2008 09:30PM (PST) by ash_dragonfire
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6 videos online
Videos viewed 18881 times
Videos favorited 43 times
20 comments received
29 ratings received
Videos rated 5.14/10.00 on average
Member since: 4/27/2008
File Size: 39.63KB
Dimensions: 975x500
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
4.00 out of 10.00 (4 votes)
# of Comments: 5
# of Views: 5960
# of Favorites: 2
Comments on this Video
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9 comments posted
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Member since: 10/9/2010
4 out of 10
in my opinion
well id recommend making it more complex then this its about 3 paragraphs ofreading and the print was so small that i had to lean agenst the screen just to read some of it also theres no way to explore the ship from here
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Member since: 12/9/2010
text too small
I couldnt read what was written on the screen.
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Member since: 11/10/2009
1 out of 10
Sorry for the poor rating, but I couldn't work out what to do!
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Member since: 8/27/2009
10 out of 10
what do you do
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Member since: 9/2/2009
1 out of 10
too simple
too simplistic
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