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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me

Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me

Rated PG-14
Posted on 1/19/2009 05:32PM (PST) by Bernard
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Videos viewed 7051 times
Videos favorited 18 times
20 comments received
16 ratings received
Videos rated 9.81/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/1/1990
File Size: 1.78MB
Dimensions: 470x350
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
9.81 out of 10.00 (16 votes)
# of Comments: 20
# of Views: 7052
# of Favorites: 18
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 11/29/2011
10 out of 10
A classic.
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Member since: 11/1/2011
Really nice animation!! Sound quality is superb as well. WIN WIN!!
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Member since: 4/6/2011
9 out of 10

not often something like this would make me - nice work!

(and mr.rabbit, i think 0 has had more than you too xD) *faved*
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Member since: 2/2/2010
10 out of 10
did that 1 bunny 3.5? half of sex = doin urself or what?
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Member since: 10/16/2010
I love this video
so cute X3
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Member since: 7/14/2010
10 out of 10
Derriman Rules!
Hahah, Bernard Derriman is awesome :D Apparently this is the official video, but I'm not sure. Gotta say though, his animation skills are amazing :D I'm amazed he worked for Disney too :P
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Member since: 6/6/2010
10 out of 10
nuff said
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Member since: 12/8/2009
9 out of 10
0's a beast!
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Member since: 1/15/2010
10 out of 10
I loved that monatage at the end! What is he doing in the beginning: he dances and does this wierd face to floor smash thing? Super funny, good {scratch that} GREAT quality music and animation. LOVED IT!
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Member since: 12/22/2009
10 out of 10
I lol'd, faved
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Member since: 11/28/2009
Now i remember
this is the music video for Tism-every else has had more sex then me
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Member since: 11/6/2009
10 out of 10
i feel bad for tat buny...poor thing.

(if the number represents the amount of sex,that girl rabbit is a total whore XD )
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Member since: 5/30/2009
10 out of 10
great song and animation.
I think the animation came out really good,and I sympathize with the bunny because I too "Get thet Feel'in".....
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Member since: 4/20/2009
Well Done
very well done on this the animatoin on this was superb. I only wish i could do this well
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Member since: 9/21/2009
cute bunneh!
nice flash! and the female bunneh with over 1000 on her chestwas just lulz...X3
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Member since: 8/17/2009
9 out of 10
slightly disturbing
the choice of song is a little strange so that's what's making ir only a 9/10 but INCREDIBLE animations especially when there's more than one character.

make more it'd be perfect if you could
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Member since: 7/11/2009
that is soo adorable, but soooo sad :(
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Member since: 6/11/2009
10 out of 10
Don't see how this is rated G, lol, but still, fantastic. Seriously.
The animation is brilliant, the rabbit is adorable, and somehow, I'm sympathizing with the little booger.
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Member since: 5/31/2009
10 out of 10
i love how the female rabbit had over 1000 on her chest XD someones busy >_>
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Member since: 4/15/2009
10 out of 10
Poor bunny!
Good luck to him, lol.
This song is stuck in my head now =|
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