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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Singing Little Fox

Singing Little Fox

Rated G
Posted on 1/19/2009 06:04PM (PST) by Airu
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Videos viewed 5592 times
Videos favorited 14 times
18 comments received
16 ratings received
Videos rated 9.19/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/1/1990
File Size: 732.74KB
Dimensions: 500x500
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
9.19 out of 10.00 (16 votes)
# of Comments: 18
# of Views: 5593
# of Favorites: 14
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 12/9/2010
8 out of 10
There was definate feeling in this little animation.
I'd say it gets you right there. *points to heart*
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Member since: 6/6/2010
10 out of 10
this is just too cute
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Member since: 2/2/2010
10 out of 10
awesome! wish I knew what the fox was singing.
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Member since: 10/16/2010
*0* cute!
amazing! so cute!
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Member since: 6/10/2009
10 out of 10
Cute but sad.
I liked it, but ddint quite like when it dies, but all in all nice animation.
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Member since: 12/21/2009
7 out of 10
Very good
It was cute and well done, but it died, so only 7/10
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Member since: 11/6/2009
10 out of 10
WHY SO *^&* CUTE!!
its almost TOO cute!!!
(what is he singing?)
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Member since: 10/2/2009
6 out of 10
Very cute and very sad btw what language did you use?
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Member since: 10/18/2009
awwr so cute
This is very awsome and very Cute !!!
You should make more vids like this
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Member since: 9/10/2009
10 out of 10
Cute line art animation
Super cute for what it is, 10/10 for that fact (it's not/can't get much more complicated)
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Member since: 8/17/2009
9 out of 10
good job!
i didn't *quite* get it but it was cute. and the really simple line-play animation is a so 9/10
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Member since: 6/24/2009
Sad that he/she died. Still, cute. :3
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Member since: 5/4/2009
9 out of 10
;_; Awwww....

My god, I was squeeing at the cuteness and then it died and my heart died along with it.... aww...
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Member since: 9/23/2007
10 out of 10
Awrr.. it died. c.c
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Member since: 3/10/2009
10 out of 10
that was great. cute too. whats the song that you used?
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Member since: 10/14/2008
10 out of 10
Oh my god. Amazing, but it reminded me of Ling Ling from drawn together.
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Member since: 12/9/2008
10 out of 10
I love this vide, it is amazingly cute ^^
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Member since: 5/1/2008
8 out of 10
cute much?
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