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You Are Here: Home > Videos > Reanimator 2

Reanimator 2

Rated G
Posted on 1/19/2009 05:48PM (PST) by Zarla
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1 video online
Videos viewed 5648 times
Videos favorited 14 times
16 comments received
16 ratings received
Videos rated 9.63/10.00 on average
Member since: 1/1/1990
File Size: 2.71MB
Dimensions: 1280x1024
File Type: Shockwave Flash (SWF)
Average Score:
9.63 out of 10.00 (16 votes)
# of Comments: 16
# of Views: 5649
# of Favorites: 14
Comments on this Video
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Member since: 3/16/2009
7 out of 10
first saw it on Youtube, and I fav'd it there too.
Like the song, don't wanna sit still!
Character outlines- correction, character design in general could use improvement (Yes, yes, I can't do any better, for those of you that have read this and are thinking that. But that is an excuse, not an argument.) Animation was...not bad, but not outstanding either. Still, as far as music videos go, this is one of the few that made sense in tandem with the song. I've noticed that nearly all "Professional" bands that make music videos hardly ever have them make any sense.
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Member since: 2/2/2010
10 out of 10
awesome song!
lovin the lyics! they're funny!
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Member since: 1/7/2010
10 out of 10
I love it.
Catchy, creative and nice dancing
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Member since: 6/12/2010
10 out of 10
The vid is perfect with the music
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Member since: 6/6/2010
10 out of 10
almost to good for a sketch music video
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Member since: 12/8/2009
10 out of 10
Pretty cool
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Member since: 1/15/2010
7 out of 10
Good.... but could be better
if you're gonna have a certain action repeat the much, you should make sure it especially smooth and detailed. (the fox's dance in the graveyard was weird and was the worst of all the dance parts except for the metroid.)
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Member since: 4/7/2010
10 out of 10
awsome is all i can say
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Member since: 12/21/2009
10 out of 10
I had to download this song, it's so catchy. It was an awesome video, even if the fox was female while th singer was male. I loved it and I am officially addicted. Anyone know what the song's about?
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Member since: 8/8/2009
YAY!... i wub it... -pounces on chur tail-

... Pweeeez do mor vids..
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Member since: 8/17/2009
10 out of 10
great job with animations
incredible show of animation with lipsyncings, but for all that it's still got points from where it can improve.
ex. in some scenes zarla's hands and legs are missing
regardless of those though. i give it a ten incredibly addicting!! its ppl like you that make furries proud
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Member since: 6/24/2009
10 out of 10
I like this!
It's nice, awesome job. I love your style too, very nice. :3
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Member since: 5/14/2009
10 out of 10
This is so cool! I gotta get this song.
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Member since: 5/31/2009
10 out of 10
great video
dude i now want to download that song what is it called
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Member since: 3/8/2009
10 out of 10
So cool, can't find the words right now.
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Member since: 2/6/2009
10 out of 10
I LOVE THIS SONG NOW!!! plus it think it stuk in mai in head.....YESSs UT IS STUK!!!! X3 X3! I <3 This Vid!!!
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